At the conclusion of the 2022 General Election, the elections office began studying each of Sarasota County’s 99 voting precincts to assess voter population size. With continued growth in the county, a top priority is ensuring that voters have convenient and efficient access to the voting process. The information below outlines our efforts to review and revise select precinct boundaries in Sarasota County.
The Opportunity
In recent years, the population of Sarasota County has increased significantly. One result of this growth has been more election day voters returning to in-person voting.
With the influx of new residents, the concern is that a small number of voting precincts may be growing beyond capacity to accommodate efficient election day in-person voting, resulting in longer-than-expected wait times at polling locations.
The Solution
Immediately following the conclusion of the 2022 General Election, Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner directed staff to begin studying Sarasota County voting precincts to determine if any were becoming too crowded.
Of the existing 99 precincts, eight were identified as being eligible for revision. The team reviewed growth trends and voting history to determine next steps.
The Result
Following the study, 8 precincts were revised: 106, 311, 313, 417, 425, 501, 527 and 543, and 4 were created: 128, 312, 314 and 430. In addition, nine new polling locations were added. The expectation is that the revised precincts will allow the elections office to better accommodate current and future population growth.
The elections office also purchased new voting equipment and will be hiring additional poll workers to help ensure an efficient election day experience.
What It Means for You
If you are a voter assigned to a new precinct and/or polling location, our office will notify you. In early 2024, we will mail you an updated Voter Information Card outlining any changes in precinct or polling location.
If you receive a new Voter Information Card, please familiarize yourself with your new election day polling location.
Download the Sarasota County Reprecincting Overview.